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Posebni pogoji za .XXX domeno

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Po registraciji ali prenosu .xxx domene bo sistem oddal registratorjevo polno ime in e-poštni naslov (kot je zapisan v kontaktni bazi) vrhovnemu XXX registrarju, tako lahko vrhovni registrar kontaktira registranta, da se samo-certificira kot član odrasle skupnosti.


  • v kolikor tega e-poštnega sporočila ne prejmete v roku 6 ur (na zapisani e-poštni naslov v bazi), lahko zaprosite za ponovno pošiljanje tega
  • če ste potrdili (zapisali) napačen e-poštni naslov ali ste ga spremenili (medtem ko ste prenašali in registrirali xxx domeno) nas kontaktirajte in pomagali vam bomo opraviti spremembo


Kako postati član odrasle skupnosti (brezplačno):


  1. Registrirajte vašo željeno .xxx domeno
  2. ICM Registry vam bo na e-poštni naslov (zapisan v bazi) poslal uvodno e-poštno sporočilo. V kolikor ste uporabili t.i. privacy-protection, bo e-poštno sporočilo poslano na naslov povezano s to storitvijo.
  3. Znotraj uvodnega e-poštnega sporočila kliknite na Membership Application gumb, ta vas bo preusmeril na Sponsored Community Membership Application.
  4. Izpolnite vlogo. Postopek je hiter in brezplačen. Vloga je vezana na e-poštni naslov in ne na registracijo same domene. Kar pomeni, da če imate en e-poštni naslov vezan na več .xxx domen, izpolnite to vlogo enkrat. Kaj boste potrebovali: Naslov, veljaven datum rojstva, veljaven e-poštni naslov, veljavno telefonsko številko, strinjati se boste morali z ICM's Registry-Registrant Agreement (pogoji) in potrditi, da boste postali član odrasle skupnosti.
  5. Ko boste vlogo izpolnili ter jo oddali boste od ICM Registry prejeli e-poštno sporočilo z izključno vašo člansko številko. To številko morate posredovati registrarju, tako, da je lahko vsaka vaša .xxx domena povezana z vašo številko. Domene, ki ne bodo povezane z vašo posebno številko ne bodo mogle predstavljati spletne strani, za "oživitev strani" zato morate izpolniti vse zahteve.
  6. E-poštno sporočilo v katerem je vaša posebna številka si shranite! Saj ga boste potrebovali pred "oživitvijo" vaše .xxx spletne strani.
  7. V kolikor ste izgubili ali izbrisali to e-poštno sporočilo nas prosim obvestite, da vam bomo lahko pomagali. Od vas bomo potrebovali e-poštni naslov povezan z vašo prijavo v odraslo skupnost.

Upon Registering or Transferring-In your .XXX domain name, the system will submit the Registrant's full name and email address as recorded in the Contact database to the .XXX Registry, so that the Registry may contact the Registrant to self-certify as a Member of the adult-community.

  • If the Registrant does not receive this email within 6 hours, on the email address visible in the system's Contact database, s/he may request the Registry to resend this email.

  • If the Registrant submitted an incorrect email address or changes the email address since Registering or Transferring-In the domain name, contact our Support Team to assist you in submitting the changed email address to the .XXX Registry.

The Membership Application is quick and simple; it generally takes only a few moments to complete:

  1. You register a .XXX domain name as an individual or a company with an accredited registrar, and you pay the registration fees directly to the registrar.
  2. ICM Registry will send an introductory email to the email address you provided your registrar. If you used a privacy protection service we will send the email to the email address associated with your privacy service (so make sure to check).
  3. Click on the Membership Application button within the introductory email that was sent by ICM Registry. This will take you to the Sponsored Community Membership Application.
  4. Complete the Membership Application. The application process takes approximately three minutes and is free of charge. Please note the Membership Application only needs to be completed one time per email account, not per domain registration.
    The Membership Application requires the applicant to attest to the following information: Address, Valid Date of Birth, Valid Email, Valid Phone Number, Agree to ICM's Registry-Registrant Agreement,
    Attest to being a member of the Sponsored Community
  5. Once the Membership Application is complete, you will receive an email from ICM Registry with your Membership Token. You need to provide this token to your registrar so that each .XXX domain you have registered can be associated with the token. .XXX domains that are not associated with a Membership Token will not resolve to a live website so it is important for you to complete this final step.
  6. Please save the Membership Token email for future reference. You will need to apply this token to all websites before they can be activated.
  7. If you misplace your Membership Token, you will need to contact customer support and provide the email address associated with your application

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